Friday 27 March 2009

Celebrities in the making!

We warned you in the previous update: our first newsletter has been send! Over 250 subscribers all over the world received the one and only number 1. About a week earlier we had already send out a press release and not without consequences: we made the front page of one of the regional Sunday papers!

If you did not receive a copy of our news letter or press release and you would like to: send us a mail at and we'll send you one a.s.a.p.

In the mean while we  had an official photo shoot at Yamaha Motors Netherland, the results of which you will undoubtedly encounter in the media and on our site in the near future. Here a sneak preview. 

Photo by: Anita Riemersma

Sunday 8 March 2009

Interesting times

It’s been a while since our last update, you would almost think there is nothing to report. Not quite true…

Our site has been active for about a month now and the number of views is pretty good. However, we did receive some complaints about the screen size of the site. As everyone knows, we always listen very carefully to the people around us (…) and a new site will go live shortly.

With the visits, donations were of course unavoidable. The tally so far is €1326, with most donations still to come. This looks promising for the next few months. On the other hand, it better, the target is still far away.

The Motor trade fair has come and gone. This is the traditional start to the Dutch motorcycle season. We met a lot of people and new contacts were made. Hopefully this will help getting the word out. Also, there are some very exciting developments in Australia, more on that later.

Last but not least, we will be entering a new phase next week: our first press release and newsletter will be presented to the press and general public. Exciting stuff, for us anyway. Look for us in a publication near you!